How to Deflate a Soccer Ball and pack up into the backpacks? if you are going to somewhere to play beautiful soccer game with friends. Are you one of those soccer players who have inflated their soccer ball so much and wanted to deflate it now. Are you become frustrated of travelling with inflated soccer ball? And looking for the solution. If you have any of these queries related how to let air out of a ball then you are on the right place, reading this will be worthwhile for you
This guide is about how to deflate a soccer ball, football & volleyball. In which you will learn take air out safely without a needle & pump. After that, you will be able to take air out of a soccer ball safely. Deflated soccer balls are very handy when you want to travel to longer destinations.
It is definitely the creativities that bail you out from the problems. From whatever profession you are it doesn’t matter. But how creative you are in your profession, it matter a lot.
william logan
Informative: When was soccer invented?
Guide: How Much Air Should a Soccer Ball Have
Guide: How many players on a soccer team
How To Deflate A Soccer Ball Safely (Ultimate Guide)
How to deflate soccer ball? There are many ways through which a soccer ball can be deflated. The most recommended methods include using a ball pump or a needle. With just a little force, a paper pin, pen, or with a help of a tiny small object you can deflate your soccer ball. You should only do this when you are in a hurry because using a paper pin or a pen can damage your soccer ball with permanent damage.
You should not damage the internal bladder of your soccer ball. This can destroy your precious soccer ball in no time. Don’t even try to deflate your soccer ball. Most soccer balls have an inner core. This inner core is covered with an inner lining. Moreover, the inner bladder takes up the majority of the soccer ball. If you deflate the soccer ball then storing becomes easy.
Construction Soccer Ball & Role of Ball Bladder
whether it is regulation soccer ball or traditional soccer ball, Mostly bladders is made up of rubber they may differ in the quality and durability though. These rubber bladder are the heart of the balls which are responsible for keeping the air inside the ball.
Soccer ball have lining around their bladder to protect it and to keep inflated soccer ball in shape.The outermost layer has hexagons that are stitched together. Out panel is connected to the internal bladder with the help of a valve which is also known as the bladder pipeline.
When someone deflates the soccer ball it’s the inner bladder that is being deflated. If you want to make your soccer ball storable then deflating it is the most lucrative option.
Role of Atmospheric Pressure Inside/Outside Ball:
Normal soccer ball air pressure must be in between 8.5 psi and 15.6 psi. This is the air pressure that play an important role in deflating and inflating the balls. Keep the pressure of the ball according to the official measure. you can use the air pressure gauge to measure the pressure after inflating process.
How much air in a soccer ball? Official pressure range of inflating soccer ball is between 8.5 psi and 15.6 psi.
Always inflate the soccer ball at room ambient temperature. Room ambient temperature is also known as air temperature which is normally 25 °C. Because of you inflate the soccer ball at higher temperature it will increase the bounce rate of the ball. So you will be unable to control the ball during playing.
The major reason which play an important part in deflating a soccer ball is the cold temperature. The cold temperature decrease the energy of the pressure of air inside the ball. When the inside pressure goes down it deflate the ball.
Deflation/Inflation Time:
Total time of the deflation period of a soccer ball depend on these
- Soccer ball weight: The greater will be soccer ball size, the more it will take time to deflate/inflate.
- Ball pump: Quality of the pump when you are inflating the ball.
- Temperature and Pressure (Out Side and Inside)
We know that increase in temperature mean increase in the pressure. In simple terms we may say that temperature is directly proportional to the pressure. When you inflate the soccer ball it increases the pressure inside the ball as well as the temperature little bit as compare of the outside.
So the soccer ball starts deflate when its temperature becomes equal to the outside temperature. This cause drop in pressure inside the ball. The pressure difference causes deflated soccer ball.General soccer ball take less than 30 minutes to inflate fully. Although other factors also matter.It will take less time if you are deflating the ball in colder region.
How To Deflate A Soccer Ball With A Pump In 5 Steps

How to take air out of a soccer ball with pump safely?. If you want to be serious about deflating then always use a needle adapter or ball pump or deflating pump. Gradual release of the air will not damage the soccer ball. If you use a needle adapter then you can avoid damage to the internal bladder. If you have an air pump with a needle adapter then it’s a plus. You might also need your friend for this. Having water and coconut oil with you is recommended. Now we will discuss how you can deflate your soccer ball easily.
Step 1: Locate Soccer Ball Valve
The first step is to locate the valve on the soccer ball. The valve is made up of strong silicon material. It is visible on the upper surface of the soccer ball.
Step 2: Moisten Your Needle Adaptor
Use the samp pump that you use and moisten the upper tip of your needle adapter. You can use coconut oil or water for that. It will help in the careful penetration of your network adapter into your soccer ball. Using coconut oil makes it quite easy to do your work. Slipping the needle becomes quite easy if you use coconut oil.
Step 3: Insert Pump Needle into Soccer Ball
Now put soccer ball pump needle into the valve. Use both of your hands to hold the soccer ball in place and hold the soccer ball with your dominant hand. Now, try to insert the needle into the valve of your soccer ball. Keep pushing the needle adapter until you hit the bladder pipeline.
You must avoid jamming your needle into your bladder because it can harm your inner lining. When you would feel that the needle is right in place, Apply some pressure you will start feeling that the soccer ball is loosening up and all the air is being deflated.
Step 4 : Gently Squeeze the Ball
Use your controlled hand, slowly and gently deflate the soccer ball. Always use your dominant hand for this purpose. Have a gentle squeeze with your other hand. You should avoid releasing the air quickly. This can cause severe damage to your soccer ball. You can also have a friend accompany you in such instances. Keep applying the pressure until all the air is released. You must keep the ball upright and try changing the angle of your ball because it can harm the valve through which you are deflating.
Step 5: Remove Pump Needle Adaptor
Now remove your needle, similarly store the ball and pump nicely into your backpack.
Professional Advice
I prefer deflated soccer balls with pump rather than of paper clip or pins. Because they can damage the Latex bladders, which come among the most expensive bladders. So if you have a PU Football or synthetic leather football then always use pump for deflate.
How To Deflate A Soccer Ball Without A Pump

How do you deflate a soccer ball if you haven’t air pump with you? For most cases using a paper pin or needle is not advised. It’s not a very good practice. Use your pump or a needle adapter to deflate your soccer ball. You can use a paper clip to deflate your soccer ball. If you don’t have a needle adapter with you, you can also use a paper clip. Using a paper clip can tear your external layers or your soft inner lining of your soccer ball. So take necessary precautions while doing such endeavors.
Step 1: Take Ballpoint or Paper Clip
Take a ballpoint or a paper clip, moisten the tip of your ball pen or your paper clip. Try to make sure that the thickness of your ballpoint, pen, or paper click should be less than that of the valve of the ball. Try not to break the paper clip or the ball pen that you are using. When you are using the paperclip or the ballpoint try not to break it because it can cause complications.
Step 2: Lubricate Top Tip (Ballpoint or Paperclip)
Lubricate the ballpoint or the paperclip with the help of oils. You will use any tool of your choice matter of fact. You can also use gloves or a dry cloth to keep the soccer ball in place.
Step 3: Insert the Moistened into Ball
Insert the moistened end of the paper clip into your soccer ball. Follow the same method that you followed in the needle and soccer ball method. You should hold the paper clip, needle, or ballpoint with your right hand. You must also hold the soccer ball in place. You should also apply pressure to deflate your soccer ball. Keep applying the pressure until you feel like the air coming out of the soccer ball.
Step 4: Grip the Soccer Ball & Squeeze it
Always have a friend with you when you are deflating your soccer ball. Make your friend squeeze your soccer ball. Keep the soccer ball in place with your hands. This might take some of your time. Do not apply too much pressure because it can harm your soccer ball. If you do the job forcefully then it can cause serious damage to your soccer ball.
Step 5: Remove the Needle/Ballpoint/Paperclip
Now, remove the needle from your soccer ball.
How To Deflate A Soccer Ball With A Needle (Inflating Needle
Press the inflation needle or soccer ball needle slightly into your valve. Start applying pressure to your soccer ball firmly. The air from the soccer ball will start leaving in no time. Before inserting the needle into the soccer ball try to lubricate the needle with saliva or coconut oil.
These inflation needle are also known as soccer ball pin and are easily available in the markets. If you are professionals soccer trainer or coach and run your academy then it is easy for you to get it.

Follow these simple steps, to take the air out the ball completely.
Step 1: Take Inflating Needle
Don’t need to be worry about if you haven’t soccer ball pump. Simply take your Inflating Needle.
Step 2: Moisten Inflating Needle
Next step is to moisten the tip of the Needle. For this you can use silicon oil. If it is not available then you can also use & put needle in water as an alternative. But i suggest you to use the silicon oil. We moisten, so that needle don’t harm the soccer ball valve.
You can also use saliva and coconut oil as an alternatives.
Step 3: Find Soccer Ball’s Valve
Next step is to find out the valve of the soccer ball. You can simply find it by just touching on the cover of the ball. It is not as such difficult as you think.
Step 4: Put Inflating Needle into Valve
Now you have to put the (inflation moisten needle) into the valve gradually.
Step 5: Press the Soccer Ball
Don’t ever think to sit on the ball it will damage you ball bladder. You will have to press the soccer ball gradually till it deflated full.
Step 6: Remove the Inflating Needle
Now remove the inflating needle. Enjoy it!
How To Deflate A Soccer Ball Without A Needle (Inflating Needle)

If you are one of those soccer players who don’t have a needle adapter then they can use this method to deflate their soccer ball. You can either use a paper clip or a ballpoint. You must use a small sharp object to get the air out of your soccer ball. But be careful do not to damage your soccer ball.
Step 1: Take Your Ballpoint/Paper Clip
Take your ball point or paper clipper. If you take paper clipper then open its bend and transform it into the needle shape.
Step 2: Moisten the Tip of the Ball Point/Paper Clip
Now dip the tip of the ballpoint/paper clip into the silicon oil. You can also use coconut oil, water and saliva as an alternative. But no doubt silicon is the best choice
Step 3: Find Out Ball Valve
Rub your hand on the cover of the ball and find out its valve.
Step 4: Inject the Ball Point/Paper Clip Tip into Valve
Now put the tip of the ballpoint or paper clip into the ball valve slowly. Air will starts coming out as you do this.
Step 5: Press the Soccer Ball Softly
Press the ball softly after when you insert the ballpoint/paper clip into the valve. You will see your ball getting smaller, do it till it deflate completely.
Step 6: Remove the Ballpoint/Paper Clip Tip
When your soccer ball fully deflate remove the ballpoint/paper clip
How To Deflate A Soccer Ball With Air Pressure Gauge

This is another best option to deflate a soccer ball after pump and needle. It will be easily available, if you a soccer trainer and own local soccer academy or local soccer club. On the other hand if you are at home then it will be easily available in the DIY room or garage
Step 1: Take Your Air Pressure Gauge
Take your Air Pressure Gauge.
Step 2: Dampen the Tip of the Pressure Gauge
Now take your pressure gauge and dampen the tip of the gauge with the silicone oil. It is to keep your ball valve, cover and bladder safe. If you haven’t find nearby any silicone oil then you can use water as an alternative also.
Step 3: Find Out Ball Valve
Now you have to find out the valve of the soccer ball. For this purpose rub your hand gently into the surface of the ball.
Step 4: Penetrate the Gauge Pin/Tip into Valve
Now it’s time put your gauge pin into the valve smoothly.
Step 5: Release the Pressure of the Pressure Gauge
After this you have the pressed the release valve on the gauge. Soccer ball will start deflate As you press it. Furthermore with this pressure gauge you can set the desired pressure of your soccer ball.
Step 6: Press the Soccer Ball Gently
Now apply pressure on ball with hand and knee till it’s become flat. As you do it soccer ball releasing its air fastly.
Step 7: Remove The Pressure Gauge.
When your soccer ball fully deflate remove the Pressure Gauge
Professional Advice
You can easily deflate your synthetic leather and high premium soccer ball with this. If you are a professional player it is the best and safe deflate method after the pump. Furthermore it is safe for you if your ball bladder is made up of Latex bladders. Suitable deflate method for PU Football, TPU Football and PVC Football .
With this method you can easily set your soccer ball pressure to the standard in between 8.5 psi and 15.6 psi. On the other hand if you a soccer coach by profession and have to check a lot of balls pressure ever day then definitely it will easy your work. If you are a soccer trainer then must keep pressure gauge in your soccer academy or a community soccer club.
How To Deflate A Soccer Ball With Refrigerator

Definitely you all have that query arise that how can you deflate a soccer ball with refrigerator. Really? Yes we can! The situation in which neither you have a pump or pressure gauge nor paper clip; and you are at home then this is the best deflating method ever. Although it take little bit long time but you will be able to safely deflate ball.
It is definitely the creativities that bail you out from the problems. From whatever profession you are it doesn’t matter. But how creative you are in your profession, it matter a lot.
In this method i am using the ideal gas Law. PV = nRT. Which states that pressure and temperature are directly proportional. So, decrease in temperature mean decrease in the pressure also. Definitely this technique will help us in deflating the soccer ball
Step 1: Neat the Soccer Ball With Dump Rug
First you have to neat and clean your soccer ball with dump rug. If you don’t have dump rug then you can also use towel as an alternative but dump rug is the best choice. Why i am doing this? This is because i want to ensure that ball wouldn’t make your fridge dirty. As it is the home’s fridge so we must have to be very careful in the mean cleanliness.
Step 2: Make Space In the Refrigerator
Before putting soccer into the fridge obviously you have to make the space. Create a space by just moving the items gently.
Step 3: Put the Ball In the Refrigerator
Before placing the soccer ball on the created space, cover the space with soft towel. Now place the ball into the fridge.
Step 4: Put the Ball Out the Refrigerator
The more time you place ball inside the fridge the more it will deflate. So now it’s up to you that how much pressure you want inside the soccer ball.
Professional Advice
Keep this in mind that it’s just a temporary solution. As the temperature of soccer ball come to its original it become inflated, but not like that of the original one. This method is suitable for all type of soccer ball like premium balls, Match balls and Training balls.
How To Deflate A Ball Without A Needle?
Although ball deflated method of everyone is same as the soccer ball, but in this section i will discuss them separately.Here i will tell you about the how to deflate a ball without a needle. In which i will talk about the Football ,Volleyball and basketball.
How To Deflate A Football Without A Needle

How to deflate football? There are multiple ways through which you can deflate your football at home. Either you can use a portable pump or an electric pump for that. Some people also use a nebulizer. If you don’t have any of those mentioned above then simply blow up a balloon.
How do you deflate a football in the case if you haven’t air pump, then find the paper clip. Open completely the paper clip and make it like a needle. Now put this paper clip into the American Football. After that turn the paper clip gently inclined toward angle, as you do it the air start moving out.
Professional Advice
Always prefer football deflate with pump rather than of pin/paper clip if your ball is expensive.
How To Inflate A Football Without A Needle
Insert the pump tube into the football ball. Then attach the other end of the balloon with the tube. Now release the balloon air slowly by apply pressure on the outer surface of the balloon. Repeat the process until the American football is inflated fully.
How Long Does It Take To Deflate A Football?
According to the experts, when the temperature of the football becomes equal to that of the outside air then the PSI of the football changed. This causes a drop in the pressure in the air that is in the football. So, keep an eye on the size of the football you will see a sudden drop in the air pressure. Roughly after 30 minutes the football will deflate completely.
How To Deflate A Volleyball Without A Needle (Inflation Needle)
In the case if you haven’t air pump then find the paper clip. Open completely the paper clip and make it like a needle. Now put this paper clip into the volleyball. After that turn the paper clip gently inclined toward angle, as you do it the air start moving out.
Why Deflate A Football & Soccer Ball? Why Would I Need To Do That?
I have tell you Here the 6 different method of deflating football/soccer ball. But none of you have asked that what does deflating a football do? For what purposes we are discussing that how to deflate a soccer ball? You don’t need to go anywhere i will tell you all this here. These are the major reasons on which we are deflated soccer ball
Enough Inflated Soccer Ball
We all know that pressure of the ball should be between 8.5 psi and 15.6 psi. Sometime we inflate the ball too much that exceed the official figure. So before playing any soccer matches whether it is local, national or international level, we have to meet the requirement must.
To Control the Soccer Ball
Over Inflated soccer ball or pumped ball have mostly higher bounce rate. Definitely yours little kick would cause high soccer ball in the air. Which cause difficulty when you dribble The Soccer Ball. So to keep the bounce rate in control and to dribble easily we deflate a soccer ball. We also do that definitely to play more smoothly and softly.
To help in control for beginner and children
Normally beginner and children are sometime unable to control the soccer ball. We deflate a soccer ball to ease the beginner and children in their play. So that they can play easily and enhance their skill
For transporting and storage purpose
If we are going on the long journey we can’t carry the inflated soccer ball. Neither we can transport it nor we can store it into the bag. So to make our life easy we deflate the soccer ball. Obviously there is nothing wrong in that.
How Does The Soccer Ball Become Over Inflated Football By Itself?
Have you ever wonder that which factor make over inflated football though if you have limited pumped it. This is the temperature which cause this. Let’s discuss how it affect. I also have discussed this in the starting of the topic. But here i will cover it in detail.
Basically the atoms and molecules of the gas are not packed as the solid. Their molecules have kinetic energy which determine their movement and motion. This kinetic energy is depend on the temperature. Increase in temperature cause increase in kinetic energy and the pressure.
So if you have inflated soccer ball in the cold environment that mean they have minimum kinetic energy at that time. Now if you move this to the warm environment it will increase the kinetic energy of gas inside. Hence due to this your soccer ball become inflated.
Final Verdict:
Whether you are using a needle, paper clip, or a ballpoint, take as many precautions as you can to avoid any damage to your soccer ball. It is advised to use an adapter needle for the best results. Always keep in mind to not apply unnecessary pressure to your soccer ball. Have a friend accompany you for the best results. If you don’t take the necessary measures then it can harm your soccer ball.
Final Verdict:
In this article we learned that how to deflate a soccer ball, football, volleyball & basketball (with or without a needle & pump). Now you will be able to take air out of a soccer ball safely.If you are a Professional players or an intermediate soccer player i suggest to use the pump and inflation needle only (For deflating and inflating). May be other method will damage your soccer ball quality.
Whenever i go for travel i prefer deflated soccer ball and pump rather than of inflated ball. Because it become irritating for me to carry pumped ball with other luggage.
If you are one of those soccer players who don’t have a needle adapter then they can use this method to deflate their soccer ball. You can either use a paper clip or a ballpoint. You must use a small sharp object to get the air out of your soccer ball. But be careful do not to damage your soccer ball.
Press the needle slightly into your soccer ball. Start applying pressure to your soccer firmly. The air from the soccer ball will start leaving in no time. Before inserting the needle into the soccer ball try to lubricate the needle with saliva or coconut oil.
No, it won’t’ damage the soccer ball. But if you are not careful and you are not using a needle adapter then you can destroy the inner lining or tubing of your soccer ball. Try to have a friend accompany you when you are deflating your soccer or football.
Yes. You can carry a ball when you are flying. But you have to deflate it before you fly and take it to the other country. This will require a needle adapter to deflate it you can also use a paper pin or a ballpoint to deflate it as well.
There are multiple ways through which you can inflate your football at home. Either you can use a portable pump or an electric pump for that. Some people also use a nebulizer. If you don’t have any of those mentioned above the simply blow up a balloon.
Insert the pump tube into the soccer ball. Then attach the other end of the balloon with the tube. Now release the balloon air slowly by apply pressure on the outer surface of the balloon. Repeat the process until the soccer ball is inflated fully.
The soccer ball gets deflate over time. To avoid this problem butyl bladders are used in soccer balls. They are better than the latex bladders. You need to check the air pressure frequently to make sure that the balls are properly inflated.
According to the experts, when the temperature of the football becomes equal to that of the outside air then the PSI of the football changed. This causes a drop in the pressure in the air that is in the football. So, keep an eye on the size of the football you will see a sudden drop in the air pressure. Roughly after 30 minutes the football will deflate completely.
The design of quality and branded soccer ball makes it pop resistant. It is designed in such a way that the ball can withstand a lot of pressure. There will be a point when the pressure inside the ball is too much to handle. If your soccer ball has been bruised badly or there is a hard object that has recently touched the outer surface of the soccer ball then there is quite a possibility that the soccer ball can pop easily.
If you might have smaller pieces, they’ll look misplaced in lots of the areas.
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